After years of plain-old painting, I’ve recently ventured into collage and mono-printing. Both are fun and exciting; not only have they really energized my creative process but that wonderful, fresh energy is seeping into my regular painting style as well! Blue Blossom Symphony is the fourth piece in my series of “acrylic skin” collage. What… read more
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Don’t Toss That “Failed” Painting… Turn it Into a Pentimento Instead!
What the heck is a “pentimento?” According to the Oxford Dictionary, a pentimento is “a visible trace of an earlier painting beneath a layer or layers of paint on a canvas.” In other words, it’s a painting peeking out through the layers of the newer painting on top. Painting right on top of another… read more
Practicing New Painting Techniques: Sgraffito
I taught a Zoom acrylic class during the pandemic lockdown, and every week I was on the lookout for some fun, new idea or technique to keep the class engaged. That’s when I came across the technique of “sgraffito.” According to Wikipedia, “graffito is the singular form of the Italian graffiti, meaning “little scratch.” So of… read more